● Anime, also known as Manga, is an abbreviated pronunciation of Animation in Japan. It began in 1917 by Japanese artists Shimokawa Oten, Jun’ichi Kouchi and Seitaro Kitayama.
● More than 40 new Anime appear on television per week
● Tezuka Osamu is the most famous Manga artist in Japan. He was a medical student.
● In Japan it is common that after someone finishes reading a Manga volume, they leave it somewhere for a stranger to pick it up
● ‘Manga Cafés’ are common in Japan where readers can enjoy their favourite book with a cup of coffee
● There is a Manga about Jesus and Buddha living together as roommates in Tokyo. It is called Saint Young Men.
● There is a Manga comic in which European philosophers such as Nietzsche, Kant, Spinoza, and Friedrich Hegel are shown as Japanese school girls
● In Japan, more paper is used in printing Manga than toilet paper
● The largest-selling Manga of all time was Shonen Jump. It sold more than six million copies in one week.
● There is a Manga adaptation of Adolf Hitler’s biography Mein Kampf
● There have been quite a few Anime versions over the years of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables