Your Plant Planner for 2022

Looking to create your own jungle at home? Or need a new Zoom backdrop? Check out these top five houseplant trends for this year.
Image used for representational purpose only.
Image used for representational purpose only.
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3 min read

Plants with Colourful Leaves

Flowers aren’t the only one to add colour. We’re also going to be into fancy foliage, so plants with colourful leaves or textures will be hot commodities. Expect polka dot begonias to be a big deal, as well as anything with variegated leaves, such as watermelon peperomia, Birkin and Congo Rojo philodendrons.
There’s design theory behind this desire for more colours. Putting splashes of colour from flowers and variegated leaves against a backdrop of greenery adds sophisticated layers of colour and texture to a room. Layering or the art of making multiple finishes, textures, and colours, makes a room look like it was pulled together by a design pro.

Oversized Statement Plants

Delicate little succulents in elf-size pots are cute, but this is the year for great big plants that make a bold botanical statement. We’re talking eight-foot-tall potted palms, six-foot-tall bird of paradise, and Ficus Audrey that can grow into towering indoor trees. And, of course, the eternally popular monstera, especially Monstera deliciosai. Indeed, big plants are a fast way to transform your space, and with their broad, arching leaves that span from floor to ceiling, they have far more impact than several desktop-size plants.

Blooming Plants

Blooming plants tie us to nature and take our indoor gardens to the next level. Because nothing says “mission accomplished” to a gardener like getting a plant to bloom. Indeed, seeing your plant flower, and knowing you had a small part to play in that, is one of the greatest joys for a plant parent, as recent pandemic plant parents have discovered. Your best blooming bets for this year? Hoyas, orchids and anthuriums.

Climbing Plants

We all have hanging plants trailing down from baskets and macrame holders. This year, go to the next level with vining plants that climb up an indoor wall, staircase or bookshelf. It’s as if nature has crept in and reclaimed the space. Vines usually tend to find their way up and locate a place to attach, which is what makes them look so natural and calming. Climbing philodendrons are a good choice for training up a wall, as are Hoya obovata and Hoya australis. Also, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, a vining plant that looks a lot like a mini Monstera at first glance, and Rhaphidophora decursiva, a giant climbing plant with leaves that can get as big as 40 inches long and 20 inches wide.

Fabulous Ferns

Ferns have had fans from the Gilded Age to the Disco Era, so it’s no surprise they’re still a must-have plant in 2022. These nostalgic, textual plants are perfect for mixing into your grand millennial decor scheme. Besides Boston ferns and kangaroo paw ferns, fern love will expand this year to embrace exotic varieties such as staghorn ferns and Australian tree ferns. Indeed, ferns let you create an opulent, maximalist look because you can put them everywhere—stash them on a shelf, hang them from the ceiling, or put a row of them on a windowsill—they will never fail to pep up your space.

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