Gemini May 21–June 21
Gemini, born entrepreneurs, focus on details and learn about the business situations from every possible angle. This gives them a natural edge in research, commerce and communication. They love being intellectually stimulated and a competitive urge often takes them into the sporting arena where they can demonstrate their endless will to win. They are a bit moody but amazing communicators and have a tendency to walk away with the opportunities out of any tight spot. They, however, need to be flexible in negotiations and encourage their teams to think and be different. Gemini entrepreneurs attract talent and inspire people around. They are optimistic, they like to socialise and freely express themselves. Geminis have been successful in the fields of publishing, writing as well as stock exchange.
Libra September 24–October 23
Venus-ruled Librans are believed to be gracious and amazing communicators. Libra entrepreneurs prefer working in partnership than doing business solo. They tend to eradicate the ideas that do not make business sense and focus only on ideas which will scale & get funded. They make their decisions and arrange their actions around what they feel is the most just and equitable solution. Libran entrepreneurs trust their own life experiences and instincts. When drawn into a dispute, Libra will quickly state their position and be done. They do not prefer hanging on to old arguments or unnecessarily poking into old wounds. They are smooth when it comes to business and are too refined and gentlemanly to fight dirty.
Aquarius January 21–February 19
Aquarians are hyper active entrepreneurial personalities for matters related to business and are born to be leaders. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarian entrepreneurs never look back but rather they are too focused about their business future plans. They are always stepping into bright sectors, fresh challenges and set for solid funding for future. Fiercely independent, these entrepreneurs are well-spoken and rational which makes them excel in various business dealings. Aquarius who are born entrepreneurs are so quirky and unconventional that when they have an opportunity to sell business to those who can make it larger, they are quick to capitalize on it and take exits. They are thus deep thinking progressive humanists with the tendency to make humungous profits.