Sexual Dissatisfaction Significant Driver of Divorces in India: Study

Sexual Dissatisfaction Significant Driver of Divorces in India: Study

A survey found that 20-30 percent of broken marriages in India were the result of dissatisfaction with sexual life, impotency and infertility.

NEW DELHI: A new survey has found that 20-30 per cent of broken marriages in India were the result of dissatisfaction with sexual life, impotency and infertility.

The survey ‘Sexual Dissatisfaction — What it means for marriages in India’ by MediAngels, an online portal of health experts, showed around 23.6 per cent of men and 17.6 per cent of women have cheated on their spouses. It found that in females, the average age for gaining primary knowledge about sex was 18.34 years, whereas the legal age for marriage is 18 years and the average age of marriage far lower than that. Males, however, seem to be better educated on the matter. In the study, 96 per cent of women admitted that they might have benefitted from early sex education.

The study showed that a large percentage of individuals did not mind adultery, having more than one sexual partner or in some cases even divorcing their spouse over matters concerning sexual health.

Some of the other findings of the study were that a shocking 12 per cent of married women said that they had never had sex during their marriage while almost 8 per cent of women were forced to have sex against their will.

Interestingly, 72 per cent of women were dissatisfied with their sex life while almost 98 per cent men reported sexual satisfaction in their lives. While 74.9 per cent of respondents derived their knowledge about sex from friends, only about 4.15 per cent spoke to doctors about it.

The survey had equal numbers of respondents from tier-I and tier-II cities. Almost 64 per cent of the respondents were male, while 36 per cent were female. The age group of respondents ranged from 20 to 65 years.

Debraj Shome, facial plastic surgeon and CEO MediAngels said, “Sexual health is fundamentally crucial to every human being... as a means to derive satisfaction, pleasure and happiness in life”.

MediAngels claims to be the world’s first online hospital and medical second opinion provider. It is supported by the Technology Development Board under the Department of Science and Technology.

The New Indian Express