Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President Amit Shah after the release of Bharatiya Janata Party's BJP manifesto Sankalp Patra for Lok Sabha elections 2019 in New Delhi. (Photo | PTI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP President Amit Shah after the release of Bharatiya Janata Party's BJP manifesto Sankalp Patra for Lok Sabha elections 2019 in New Delhi. (Photo | PTI)

Congress takes jibe at BJP's 'crimes against women' gaffe in manifesto

Sharing a screen grab of the manifesto, a tweet by the official handle of the party read, 'At least one point in BJP's manifesto reflects their true intentions.'

NEW DELHI: The Congress Monday took a swipe at the BJP over an apparent error its manifesto that states provisions have been made for "transferring the laws in order to commit crimes against women", saying at least one point in the document reflects the ruling party's "true intentions".

Under the section ''ensuring a dignified life for women", the BJP manifesto states that women's security will be given more priority.

"We have constituted the Women's Security Division in the Home Ministry, and have made strict provisions for transferring the laws in order to commit crimes against women, in particular time bound investigation and trial for rape," it says.

Underlining the portion "in order to commit crimes against women", the Congress tweeted a snapshot of the manifesto.

"At least one point in BJP's manifesto reflects their true intentions," the party said in a tweet with the hashtag 'BJP Jumla Manifesto'.

The New Indian Express