Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi (File photo | EPS)
Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi (File photo | EPS)

PM Modi trying to divide country through CAA, NPR, NRC: Asaduddin Owaisi

The Hyderabad MP asserted that there is no difference between the NPR and the NRC.

KISHANGANJ: AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Sunday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of misleading the people over Citizenship Amendment Act, National Population Register and National Register of Citizens and alleged that he wanted to divide the country through these measures.

The PM is "hell-bent on destroying the Constitution", he said.

Addressing party's 'Samvidhan Bachao' (save the Constitution) rally at Ruidhasa ground here, Owaisi said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi is misleading the people on CAA, NPR and NRC. Modi wants to divide the country once again by bringing measures like CAA, NRC and NPR."

The Hyderabad MP asserted that there is no difference between the NPR and the NRC.

"If we remain silent today, the generations to come will have to answer."

AIMIM chief said Muslims gave their testimony of being patriots by choosing to remain in India but the prime minister is asking for proof of citizenship from that very community.

"Why do you have so much hate for Muslims, Narendra Modi ji? Why do you have doubt on our patriotism?," Owaisi said.

AIMIM chief also criticised Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for supporting the Citizenship Amendment Bill in Parliament and dared him to tell the Centre that people of his state are not in favour of the "black legislation".

"If there is any morality left in Nitish Kumar, he must declare and tell the Centre in clear cut terms that Bihar will not implement these measures (CAA, NPR and NRC). But I know that he would not be able to do so. He remained silent when the Bill was being passed in Parliament. What he will speak now," Owaisi added.

The New Indian Express