LUCKNOW: UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Tuesday that after the Kartarpur Corridor, it is now the turn of Nankana Sahib to open its door for the people of this country.
"I extend my good wishes to you and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for ensuring the opening of Kartarpur Corridor. The day is not far when we will be able to visit Nankana Sahib too," he said while speaking at a function to mark the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev.
Nankana Sahib is a city in Punjab province of Pakistan. It is named after the first Guru of the Sikhs - Guru Nanak --who was born in the city and first began preaching here.
It is a city of high historic and immense religious value and a popular pilgrimage site for Sikhs from all over the world. It is located about 80km, west of Lahore.
The Chief Minister said the teachings of Guru Nanak were spread across several countries.
"Guru Nanak laid the foundation of the Sikh faith with examples of valour and sacrifice. He spread the light of knowledge and will always be revered," he said.
Yogi Adityanath said that no one ever went back hungry from gurdwaras where 'langar' (community feast) was offered to all, irrespective of caste, class and status.
He said all shrines related to the Sikh faith would be beautified and developed as tourist destinations.