JAIPUR: Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Rajasthan Government has so far fined more than 10,500 people and collected over Rs 23 crores in a penalty for violating the Rajasthan Epidemic Ordinance.
These fines were collected by several violations of COVID-19 protocol, which escalated during Diwali and with the onset of the wedding season.
The municipal authorities for both Jaipur Heritage and Greater have conducted a joint operation in recent weeks. Under this effort, the administration has penalized 1825 citizens for not wearing masks when they venture out and for not maintaining adequate social distancing. The municipal authorities have collected over Rs 8.55 lakhs from such offenders under this special campaign.
In addition, 5 business establishments have also been seized under this operation. On Thursday, the two municipal corporations of Jaipur observed a special ‘Challan Day’ whereby 1421 people in Greater Jaipur and 404 citizens in Jaipur Heritage areas were penalized for not wearing masks and other violations.
The Rajasthan Director General of Police M L Lather said over 3.5 lakh people have been penalized for not wearing of masks, another 135 people were fined for selling goods without wearing of masks and over 6.37 lakh offenders have been fined for not maintaining social distancing.
Also, people have been penalized for spitting in public places and other violations whereby 3780 FIRs have been registered and over 9808 people have been arrested for violating prohibitory and quarantine norms.
Lather also revealed that under the Motor Vehicles Act, challan was issued to over 12.54 lakh vehicle owners and 1.76 lakh vehicles were seized and over 23 crores and 53 lakhs have been recovered from them as fines.
The state has so far seen over 2.74 lakh cases of COVID-19 infections and 2370 deaths.