NEW DELHI: Justice Rohini Commission which was formed to examine the sub-categorisation of Other Backward Classes (OBC) will visit states in a phase-wise manner to engage with different stakeholders in seeking clarifications on the different ambiguities in the Central and state lists.
The move comes after the Commission was recently granted an extension for a period of six months. The panel had sought additional time in order to seek clarifications on the existing ambiguities in the lists.
“With the extension, the Commission will conduct consultations with all the states on the Central and state lists with state governments, NGOs and other stakeholders. The objective would be to sort out the existing ambiguities in the lists which was not done earlier with the states,” said a member of the Commission.
The ambiguities included repetitions in the list, variations in spellings of the caste in English and vernacular languages, insertions and deletions in the central and state lists, among others.
“The Commission is yet to take a definite decision if it will visit each state individually or will be conducting the consultations in a region-wise manner to iron out the ambiguities,” said the member.