Prophet remark row: Darul Uloom Deoband demands strict action against Nupur Sharma

The Maulana urged the government to make the law stricter and stressed on taking concrete and necessary steps so that the secular character and honour of the country in the world remains intact.
Former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma. (Photo | Facebook/Nupur Sharma)
Former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma. (Photo | Facebook/Nupur Sharma)

SAHARANPUR: Darul Uloom Deoband, an Islamic seminary, has condemned the controversial remarks made by former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma on Prophet Mohammad, and demanded strict action against her.

"Muslims are suffering a lot for the security and peace of the country, but any audacity (gustakhi) in the glory of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Saheb is absolutely unbearable on which it is not possible to remain silent," Mohtamim (Vice-Chancellor) of Darul Uloom Deoband Maulana Mufti Abul Qasim Nomani said in a statement issued here on Tuesday.

Maulana Nomani said that "Ours is a secular country which provides security to all religions, but in the past few years it has become common practice by communal elements to hurt religious sentiments and hurting the pride of eminent personalities." He alleged that religious figures and religious books are also being targeted due to which communalism is increasing in the country, which is harming the secular image of the country globally.

Strongly condemning the alleged derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammad, he demanded strict action against the former BJP functionary.

The Maulana urged the government to make the law stricter and stressed on taking concrete and necessary steps so that the secular character and honour of the country in the world remains intact.

The BJP on Sunday suspended its national spokesperson Sharma and expelled its Delhi media head Naveen Kumar Jindal as the row over their alleged derogatory remarks against Prophet Mohammad escalated with protests from some Muslim countries.

Amid demonstrations by Muslim groups and the sharp reaction from the Arab world, the BJP issued a statement asserting that it respects all religions and strongly denounces insults of any religious personality.

Sharma's comments, made during a TV debate nearly 11 days ago, and Jindal's now-deleted tweets sparked a Twitter trend calling for a boycott of Indian products in some countries.

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