The Maharashtra unit of the BJP has asked its elected representatives, leaders and workers to be active on social media, and amplify the party's voice by tweeting, and retweeting tweets of prime minister, party national and state presidents and important leaders.
Maharashtra BJP had held a two-day meeting of BJP leaders in Nasik where the Maharashtra deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis asked his party's elected representatives and leaders to promote the party's agenda on social media, particularly on Twitter.
He alleged that the Opposition is trying to build a fake narrative against them by using social media. “The opposition parties have learned the trick of social media now, therefore the BJP leaders and workers if they want to be in BJP have to be active on social media to amplify the party's views. This is a must and need of the hour,” Devendra Fadnavisa said.
In the meeting it was discussed, that many BJP Lok Sabha MPs, MLAs and other leaders' Twitter accounts are there for the name's sake while some of them have not taken the effort to open social media accounts.
“We are going to monitor the social media accounts of all BJP elected representatives and leaders. And this will be one of the criteria while giving the party ticket. The followers of the aspirant candidates and their influence on social media will also be checked. Earlier Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the person who wants to contest the Lok Sabha should have a minimum 25,000 followers on Twitter. So before too late, we should pull our socks and work for the party,” said a senior BJP leader in the meeting.
BJP leader told the party MLAs not to expect inductions in the cabinet now or anything major in this government. “We have to look after the future. Each one should devote his time to the party. There should be commitment. If you give time for the party, then the party will take care of you. We have to work hard so that party will remain in power for the next 25 days,” he added.
In this meeting, BJP has also set the mission – 200 MLAs for the 2024 Maharashtra state assembly while mission 45 for Lok Sabha in Maharashtra.
“To achieve this goal, the central leaders will come to Maharashtra and campaign for the BJP from this month onwards. We have to focus on the constituencies where BJP is weak or lost by a slender margin and reach out to all people to strengthen the base," said a senior BJP leader.