NEW DELHI: Delhi Commission for Women chief Swati Maliwal on Monday asked police to clarify if the woman, whose body was dragged for four kilometres by a car that had hit her scooter, was sexually harassed and if the accused had a criminal history.
The incident came to light after a video purportedly showing a woman without clothes and broken legs surfaced on social media.
PTI could not independently check the veracity of the video. The footage also led to claims that the victim was raped and killed, but police said it was an accident.
In a series of questions she posed to the Delhi Police in connection with the incident at Kanjhawla, Maliwal also asked that "was she killed like this after she protested over the harassment?" "I have some questions for Delhi Police -- Was the woman sexually harassed by the accused? Was she killed like this after she protested over the harassment? For how many kilometres was she dragged by the car? Was there no checkpost or OCR van deployed on the stretch that she (was) dragged on?" Maliwal asked.
"Did the accused men have previous criminal cases against them? We have issued summons to Delhi Police and want them to answer these questions.
Till when will our girls be killed like this? This is a case that shames our humanity. This is a very scary incident that happened in the national capital," she said.
She also questioned police over the immediate action taken after the incident was reported to the control room and the special security arrangements that were in place in the national capital for New Year. The commission had on Sunday issued a notice to police in connection with the incident.
Police have said the victim's body was sent to the Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital at Mangolpuri for postmortem.
They said the victim's leg got entangled in one of the wheels of the car and she was dragged for around four kilometres.