MUMBAI: Chhagan Bhujbal, a senior minister in the BJP-led Maharashtra government, expressed his distrust on Wednesday over the Justice Sandeep Shinde committee appointed by CM Eknath Shinde to scrutinise the old records and documents of Maratha-Kunbi and vice versa, for reservations.
Bhujbal said that the committee’s statements have been inconsistent, and they have little faith in it. Initially, the committee had stated that it could not go to Hyderabad to study and scrutinise the Nizam era records of the Marathawada region due to the ensuing elections in Telangana.
However, after a few days, when Maratha quota leader Manoj Jarange Patil refused to withdraw his agitations, the committee came up with the numbers of Kunbi caste. It said that they got 11,500 references, and while in the cabinet meeting, the same committee said that they got 13,500 references of Kunbi in old records.
Bhujbal has questioned which numbers they should consider as the truth issued by the Justice Shinde committee. The ambit of the committee was initially limited to the Marathwada region, but it has now expanded to the entire state. It is opening offices in every district and issuing Kunbi certificates to whoever comes to them.
Bhujbal has called this unconstitutional and unfortunate. He has also alleged that there is a big conspiracy to end reservations of small OBC castes by adding Maratha-Kunbi like strong caste in OBC category. Bhujbal has further added that there is a double conspiracy to end the OBC reservations in the state. On one hand, Maratha-Kunbi with the help of the Justice Shinde committee and government are pushing themselves into OBC by declaring themselves as Kunbi, while on the other side, the Maratha activists filed petitions in the Bombay High Court to review the existing OBC reservations.
Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde has warned his cabinet colleagues not to air their controversial views in public and asked them before speaking with the media, they should resolve the issues at the government forum.