CHANDIGARH: Days after the AAP-led Punjab government called a two-day sitting of the Assembly, the office of Governor Banwarilal Purohit said that the session scheduled for October 20-21, being projected as an extension of the Budget session, is “illegal” and any business conducted during will be “unlawful”.
This is the second time this year that a row between the Bhagwant Mann-led government and the governor has erupted over the summoning of the Assembly sitting.
“In the present case, calling a special session of the fourth budget session of the 16th Punjab Vidhan Sabha, suggesting that it is a continuance of the fourth session which was adjourned sine die on June 20, is “an attempt to extend the budget session which was summoned by the governor for March 3, 2023, and which stood concluded on March 22, after the completion of the agenda for business,” the letter dated October 12 said.
“Any such extended session is bound to be illegal, and any business conducted during such sessions is unlawful, and ab initio void [having no legal effect],’’ it added.
"Based on legal advice and for reasons stated in the said letter, the governor had pointed out that the calling of such a session was patently illegal, against the accepted procedures and the practice of the legislature, and against the provisions of the Constitution,’’ it reads.
Earlier, the assembly session on June 19-20 was declared a “breach of law” by the Governor’s office. In this session, several Bills including the Sikh Gurdwaras Amendment for making Gurbani free-to-air were passed.
Sutlej Yamuna Link
According to sources, in the upcoming October 20-21 session, the recent SC order over the construction of the Sutlej Yamuna Link canal in Punjab, a project which the state is reluctant to finish claiming that it has no water to spare for Haryana, was expected to be discussed.