BAHRAICH: A watchman working with the irrigation department here was trampled to death by elephants in a residential area adjacent to Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary on Saturday, officials said.
Deveshwar (52) was a daily-wage watchman stationed in the Girjapuri Irrigation Colony in the Sujauli area adjacent to the sanctuary, they added.
According to villagers, Deveshwar, who left his house for defecation on Friday night did not return home till late, following which his family members started looking for him.
A few people found the victim's mutilated body in the bushes of the forest, the officials said.
When the family members reached the spot to collect the body, they could hear a herd of elephants present nearby trumpeting, Forest Range Officer Anoop Kumar said.
The frightened villagers did not pick up the body and informed the forest department and police who later recovered the body, he said.
Footprints of elephants have been found on the spot, suggesting Deveshwar might have lost his life in an elephant attack, Kumar said.
The officials said the body has been sent for post-mortem.
The forest range officer added that some people heard the trumpeting of elephants even in the morning, following which the villagers have been advised to remain alert and the patrolling has been increased in the area.