Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said a private university in Meghalaya is the main reason behind flash floods in Guwahati. He said the flattening of four to five hills at the University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya resulted in flash floods in Guwahati. Established in 2011, USTM is on the other side of Assam-Meghalaya border on Guwahati’s southern fringe. “Ever since the USTM was established, the pace of water entering the city increased unprecedently. The then Assam govt should have opposed USTM’s establishment. It could have asked Meghalaya to ensure that USTM is established further inside the state,” Sarma said.
Encounter deaths: Bruises on bodies, says autopsy
Weeks after three people from tribal Hmar community were killed in an alleged fake encounter in Cachar district, the autopsy reports revealed the bodies bore injuries and bruises caused by blunt force. Earlier, the police claimed the trio, apprehended allegedly with arms, got killed in crossfire during a special operation against suspected militants. The police said the operation was launched based on leads provided by the trio about the presence of militants in a hilly area. The families have already moved the Gauhati High Court alleging that the trio were killed in a fake encounter.
Cash dole scheme for girl students
Assam will provide financial assistance to girl students to increase their enrolment in higher education and fight child marriage. It launched the Nijut Moina Scheme, under which it will provide financial support of Rs 10,000 per year to higher secondary students Rs 12,500 to under-graduate students and Rs 25,000 to post-graduate students. The scheme will complement the ongoing free admission scheme.Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said the scheme has a core social message which is to end child marriage. He said as they are married off early, they get deprived of adequate nutrition and education.
Prasanta mazumdar
Our correspondent in Guwahati