RANCHI: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren, who was in jail for five months in connection with an alleged money laundering case linked to a land scam, has expressed his feelings through poetry written in Hindi while he was in prison.
On the occasion of Independence Day, Soren shared the poem on social media platform X, stating, “Wrote a few lines for my great nation while in isolation in prison.”
The poem, titled Pyara Desh, conveys Soren's vision for a united and peaceful India. In translation, it reads:
प्यारा देश,
(Beloved country,)
Where everyone flourishes and lives,
जाति-पाति के बंधनों से मुक्त, नफरत और कट्टरता से आज़ाद रहें
(Free from the shackles of caste, free from hatred and fanaticism,)
धार्मिक उत्पीड़न का अंत हो, हम एक साथ खड़े हैं,
(Let there be an end to religious persecution, we stand together,)
हर संकट में एकजुट, हर ख़ुशी त्योहार में एक रंग, एक संग
(United in every crisis, one color, one company in every festival,)
इस विशाल संसार में हम भारतीय जहाँ भी जाएँ,
(Wherever we Indians go in this vast world,)
हमारे दिल तुम्हारे लिए धड़कते रहें, आपका यशगान सदैव करते रहें
(Let our hearts keep beating for you, let us always sing your praises)
हमारा घर, हमारी शक्ति, हमारा गौरव,
(Our home, our strength, our pride,)
हमारा प्यारा देश।
(Our beloved country!)
Despite the heartfelt message, Soren has faced criticism on social media, with many accusing him of failing to fulfil the promises he made ahead of the 2019 Assembly elections. Some have pointed out that his actions have not matched the ideals expressed in his poetry.
Hemant Soren had stepped down as Chief Minister on January 31 this year, shortly before his arrest. Following his detention, his close aide Champai Soren assumed the role. On July 4, following the High Court order Soren was released on bail and assumed his position as Chief Minister.
In a video message released shortly before taking the oath of office again, Soren accused the BJP of conspiring against him. He alleged that despite having the people's mandate, he was sent to jail on false allegations because his political opponents could not accept an Adivasi leader holding such a high position.