Rajasthan Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore recently stormed into a Jaipur police station to confront a police officer involved in beating an army commando. Rathore reprimanded the ACP and said, “Do you have any sense of public service, or is it just arrogance?” The incident went viral on social media, sparking widespread criticism. A caste angle is also suspected as Rathore is a Rajput while the police officer is from the Jat community. A Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting in the first Modi government, Rathore was demoted in the second term allegedly for his arrogance and high-handedness.
Political drama over Rajasthan floods
Who knew flood management could be this dramatic? In Rajasthan, the political waters are rising just as fast as the floodwaters! More than half a dozen districts are drowning in floods, but for the ruling-BJP it seems Disaster Relief Minister Kirori Lal Meena is the real problem. Though he resigned two months ago, there’s no clarity about the status of Kirori Lal as the BJP high command has kept him hanging by refusing to accept his resignation. Former CM Ashok Gehlot slammed the government, quipping that the Disaster Minister himself has gone missing amidst the floods.
Governor stirs power pot in Rajasthan
Since taking the oath, Rajasthan’s new Governor Haribhau Bagde has been all over the place - seeking constant feedback on government schemes from officials and making his presence felt in the field. A former speaker of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, Bagde is shaking things up. The state’s Chief Secretary, Sudhansh Pant, has been hyper-active with whispers in power corridors that he’s become a parallel power center. There’s talk that Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, who got the top job despite being a debutant MLA, is feeling the heat. Could the Governor’s dynamic approach be adding a bit of discomfort for the new CM?
Rajesh Asnani
Our correspondent in Jaipur