Amazon India has inaugurated its first "Ashray" rest point for delivery associates in Gurugram, a move that comes in the wake of intense scrutiny over the working conditions of its employees, marking the start of a new initiative to improve working conditions in the e-commerce sector. The project, launched in partnership with Udyasa Foundation, aims to establish a network of rest facilities across major cities including Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, and Mumbai.
The launch of Project Ashray follows a damning report by UNI Global Union in partnership with the Amazon India Workers Association (AIWA), which highlighted severe issues faced by Amazon's warehouse and delivery workers in India. The survey, the first of its kind to examine the working conditions of Amazon employees in India, collected responses from 1,838 participants.
The report had some key findings. According to it, workers endure intense pressure and unsafe conditions while struggling to support themselves with insufficient pay. Only 21.3% of workers believed that they were working in safe conditions. 86.3 percent of warehouse workers and 28.0 per cent of drivers said the company does not allow adequate time for them to use the restroom, and one out of five reported being injured on the job. These findings are particularly concerning in light of recent reports of dangerous conditions at Amazon facilities during last month's heatwave in and around New Delhi. Amazon India had refuted the report when it came out in July this year.
Michiko Miyamoto, India's Country Director at the International Labour Organisation, presided over the opening ceremony on August 23. Amazon plans to initially set up five pilot centres in high-traffic areas, accessible to delivery personnel from across the e-commerce ecosystem.
The Ashray centres will offer essential amenities such as washrooms, seating, drinking water, and charging stations. Each facility can accommodate 15 people at a time and will operate year-round from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., with free usage limited to 30 minutes per visit. Parking spaces will also be available.
"Project Ashray is a significant part of our broader efforts to improve driver experience and well-being," said Abhinav Singh, Vice President-Operations at Amazon India. He emphasised the company's commitment to maintaining industry-leading infrastructure and practices for delivery partners.
Amazon plans to create awareness about these rest points among delivery associates and add their locations to Google Maps for easy access. The company may develop additional facilities in the coming months, including guarded restrooms for women delivery associates, shelter during extreme weather, first aid support, and electric two-wheeler charging at subsidised rates.
This initiative is part of Amazon's larger commitment to supporting its workforce. The company has also introduced other programs such as 'Sushruta', a health and wellness program for truck drivers, and the Pratidhi scholarship program for children of driver associates.
As the e-commerce industry in India continues to grow, Amazon's Project Ashray could set a new standard for employee welfare in the sector, potentially influencing practices across the industry.