The Delhi High Court on Thursday refused to provide immediate relief for BJP leader and ex-WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh in a petition filed by him challenging the FIR, chargesheet as well as all the trial court proceedings in a case related to sexual harassment of several female wrestlers.
The court, while adjourning the matter to September 26, asked Singh's lawyer to file a short note disclosing the grounds for quashing of the case.
Singh argued in the court that there is a "hidden agenda" behind the case filed against him. He alleged that the women wrestlers who filed the case, had not raised any allegations against him before. He claimed that the case was filed in order to remove him from the post of Chief of Wrestling Federation of India (WFI).
Singh, who faces charges of sexual misconduct and criminal intimidation, has sought to nullify the entire process, including the FIR and the trial court’s decision to frame charges.
In May, the trial court had framed sexual harassment charges against Singh with respect to five women wrestlers observing that there was enough evidence against him.
“This court has found sufficient material on record to frame charges against accused no. 1 Brij Bhushan Saran Singh for the offences under Section 354 (outraging modesty of woman) and 354A (sexual harassment) of the Indian Penal Code regarding victims no. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5,” the court had said.
The chargesheet against Singh includes counts of outraging modesty (Section 354), making sexually colored remarks (Section 354A), stalking (Section 354D), and criminal intimidation (Section 506(1)).
The investigation into Singh’s conduct began after the complainants approached the Supreme Court, pushing for the registration of an FIR. The Supreme Court was subsequently informed that the Delhi Police had taken appropriate action.
Meanwhile, the Delhi High Court on Wednesday granted four more weeks to the Centre to respond to a petition by the WFI challenging its suspension over alleged violation of the provisions of its constitution.