DEHRADUN: A sudden downpour on Thursday afternoon led to a flash flood in the Valley of Flowers trekking route, sweeping away a concrete bridge over a stream and leaving 189 tourists stranded. According to forest department sources, "Due to sudden heavy rainfall on Thursday afternoon, a flash flood swept away a concrete bridge over a stream on the Valley of Flowers trek in Uttarakhand's Chamoli district, leaving 189 tourists stranded."
Forest Range Officer Chetna Kandpal of the Valley of Flowers Range told The New Indian Express, "We received information in the afternoon that a large number of tourists were stranded on the Valley of Flowers trek due to the collapse of a bridge. A rescue operation was immediately launched with the help of local police and forest department personnel, and all 189 tourists were safely rescued within a few hours."
A team from the Nanda Devi National Park administration worked tirelessly to construct a makeshift bridge, enabling all tourists to cross the stream safely. The stranded tourists were from various states, including Maharashtra, Delhi, Chandigarh, and others.
Located in the picturesque Chamoli district of Uttarakhand, the Valley of Flowers is a breathtakingly beautiful and enchanting destination. This Indian national park is renowned for its incredible diversity of flora and fauna. Positioned at an altitude of 3,505 meters above sea level, the valley attracts numerous hikers and travelers every year, who are awestruck by its natural grandeur.