India’s forest and tree cover increased to 25.17 per cent in 2023

The report estimates of growing stock, the extent of trees outside forests, mangrove cover, bamboo resources, and assessment of forest carbon stock.
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Representative image.(Express photo)
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India's total forest and tree cover has increased to 25.17 per cent in 2023 from 24.62 per cent as per the latest India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2023. The forest cover has minimally increased, compared to tree cover in the country.

Meanwhile, first-time trees grown under agroforestry have also been covered. The ISFR 2023 report recorded forest cover and tree cover was 25.17 per cent. The total forest cover was 7,15,342.61 sq km which is 21.76 per cent of the geographical area of the country and the tree cover is 3.41 per cent of the geographical area of the country.

With these two, total forest and tree covers are 8,27,356.95 sq km. The scrub area covers 43,622 sq km (1.33 per cent) and the non-forest area covers 24,16,489 sq. km (73.50 per cent). States that added forests and tree covers are Chhattisgarh, UP, Odisha, Rajasthan and Jharkhand and states which reduced its forest and tree covers are MP, Karnataka, Nagaland, Bihar and Tripura.

The latest 18th biennial assessment ISFR of India’s forests by the Forest Survey of India was delayed by over a year. It was supposed to be released by last year.

The report estimates of growing stock, the extent of trees outside forests, mangrove cover, bamboo resources, and assessment of forest carbon stock.

According to the ISFR 2021 report recorded forest cover and tree cover was 24.62 per cent. The total forest cover was 7,13,789 sq km which is 21.71 per cent of the geographical area of the country. Tree cover is 2.91 per cent of the geographical area of the country.

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