Hindu Mahasabha celebrates Gandhi's assassination, honours Godse

Pandit Ashok Sharma, a leader of the Mahasabha and founder of the Nana Apte Dham, led the event, which saw a havan puja and a recital of Hanuman Chalisa.
Nathuram Godse and Mahatma Gandhi.
Nathuram Godse and Mahatma Gandhi. (File | Agencies)
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MEERUT: The Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha on Thursday honoured Nathuram Godse, the man who killed Mahatma Gandhi on this day in 1948.

Godse, allegedly linked with the Hindu Mahasabha, had shot Gandhi dead at a prayer meeting at Birla House in Delhi.

He was hanged in an Ambala jail in 1949.

Hindu Mahasabha members gathered at the 'Amar Martyr Nathuram Godse Nana Apte Dham,' a location tied to the right wing outfit, where they hailed Godse for the assassination.

Pandit Ashok Sharma, a leader of the Mahasabha and founder of the Nana Apte Dham, led the event, which saw a havan puja and a recital of Hanuman Chalisa.

The ceremony was purportedly aimed at "removing the soul of Karamchand Gandhi," and eliminating "Gandhism" from India.

Sharma demanded that the Indian government revoke Mahatma Gandhi's title as the "Father of the Nation."

The Mahasabha also announced plans to honour the families of Nathuram Godse and Narayan Nana Apte, also associated with Gandhi's assassination.

The programme concluded with the distribution of sweets among supporters.

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