Lack of sanitation in Gopalpur NAC

While hundreds of tourists visit Gopalpur daily, overflowing drains leave a dirty picture for those heading towards the beach.
Uncleaned drain in a street in Gopalpur | Express
Uncleaned drain in a street in Gopalpur | Express
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1 min read

BERHAMPUR: Gopalpur on sea in Ganjam district is considered to be one of the beautiful beaches in the country. But the town presents a different picture. Gopalpur Notified Area Council (NAC) is yet to adopt a proper sanitation plan to make the port town clean and green.

While hundreds of tourists visit Gopalpur daily, overflowing drains leave a dirty picture for those heading towards the beach.

No attention has been given for development of the town. The NAC, comprising 11 Wards, is inhabited by around 490 families with a population of 10,000. The town lies is in utter neglect, particularly in sanitation sector.

While the town is inhabited by around 70 per cent fishermen, it generates around one tonne garbage daily. But no solid waste management and sewage treatment plant are put in place for the town. The stagnant water of uncleaned drains stinks. The drinking water supply pipeline passes through the drains and is often submerged under filthy water.

A resident of Satyasaibaba Nagar in Ward-6 alleged that despite repeated appeal to NAC officials, no steps have been taken to clean the drains. “We are unable to open the windows and breathe fresh air. To add to the woes of the pedestrians, the stretch lacks proper illumination,” he said.

However, NAC officials said the drains are being cleaned regularly. As locals dump  garbage in the drains, it blocks the free flow of waste water. Steps are being taken to make the town clean and green, they added.

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