Myriad Moments of Mirth to Savour

Every one of us desires to be happy at all times and that is the objective of all. But for everyone there are moments of happiness that are fleeting but make life worth living. I experience such moments every day in mundane situations.

In the morning listening to the radio announcer welcoming all and wishing every one a fulfilling and satisfying day is a moment of happiness and comfort for me; sipping the cup of steaming hot coffee while cocking an ear to the morning news is a moment of joy.

Hearing the soft thud of newspapers on the front doormat is another moment of expectation and happiness. The scent of the paper mingled with that of the printer’s ink trigger anticipation that may soon turn to dismay looking at the news which are often about war, terrorist attacks and the like. Solving the crossword and marveling at the creativity of clues compensates for it.

Getting out of the house when the sky is dark and foreboding without an umbrella, knowing full well rain is imminent is an adventure we all undertake. When I’m caught in the rain and have to seek refuge under a porch or shop verandah, I marvel at the raindrops splashing down. The silvery sound they create as they begin flowing in small rivulets is a moment of pleasure.

Walking in chilly mornings, the distant strains of devotional music coming from a place of worship is a moment of great happiness. The music comes intermittently in the cold air, sometimes breaking down as a gentle wind carries it away.

During winter evenings while traveling by bus, seeing yellow bulbs illuminating little homes by the roadside and children poring over books is a moment of joy. The vision would be fleeting as the bus speeds away but during that short time the glimpse of a peaceful rural home atmosphere send slivers of pleasure down my spine.

Another prized moment is walking on tracks and seeing a train appear in the distance. It starts as a speck and then grows bigger and louder; the anticipation that it will pass by in a flash amidst sound and wind is a pleasurable moment and I wait to watch it roar by in a blur.

Driving on the highway in the gathering dusk and stopping by a wayside tea stall, waiting for “double strong” tea as the vendor mixes hot milk and tea, watching the steam rise from the glass as he hands it over to you, standing on tired legs and imbibing the life giving elixir as vehicles roar by on the road is a great moment of pleasure.

I go for a walk almost regularly on the walkway beside the backwater. After walking for 40 minutes I sit on a bench, hot and bathed in sweat; I watch fishing boats moving by lazily and sometimes a giant tanker entering the harbour like a monster from the ocean depths. There is only silence and I just sit and savour the scene. The feeling is one of pure joy and exhilaration.

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