Rockefeller's pursuit and our continuous denial of the other species

Rockefeller's pursuit and our continuous denial of  the other species

Last week we saw how American Tech billionaires refuse to look at the UFO phenomenon, instead fund the eye wash SETI initiative. But there was an exception — the well known billionaire philanthropist, conservationist and financier Laurence Rockefeller (1910-2004) fourth son of John D. Rockefeller founder of Standard Oil Company.

In 1993 Laurence Rockefeller established the UFO Disclosure Initiative, urging President Clinton to declassify all the information that the CIA and the air force had accumulated about the UFOs since the 1940s, starting with the 1947 Roswell UFO crash. Due to his efforts Clinton issued an executive order in 1994 to declassify millions of documents in the national archives.

Rockefeller sponsored both financially and otherwise the effort to bring together three major UFO research organisations in America CUFOS — Centre for UFO Studies, FUFOR — fund for UFO Research and MUFON — Mutual UFO Network and produce the UFO Briefing Document under the authorship of well known aviation historian Don Berliner.

The project was coordinated by Marie Galbraith wife Evan Galbraith who was the American ambassador to France during the Reagan administration and Antonio Huneeus who contributed to the case histories section. UFO researchers Stanton Friedman and Timothy Good, major general Wilfred De Brouwer, deputy chief of the Royal Belgian Air Force; Dr Claude Poher, founder of GEPAN Jean-Jacques Velasco, director of SEPRA also contributed to this effort.

Rockefeller’s effort saw limited success in America but in France due to the efforts of Marie Galbraith it resulted in the famous Cometa report of 1999.

Rockefeller also funded the research of the famous Harvard professor Dr  John Mack, author of the bestseller Abduction that dealt with the Alien abduction phenomenon and the Disclosure Project of Dr. Steven Greer.

Last week a reader commented in the New Indian Express website that I believe deserves an explanation. He wrote — If UFOs really did exist, it would be really hard to hide them because that would have required the cooperation of UFOs themselves.

This is one way of saying I won’t make the effort to study 70 years of accumulated evidence, instead I will put the blame on the UFOs.

Since the 1940s UFOs have contacted 1000s of individuals from all walks of life and conveyed a variety of information including the Star System from which they came. But most of their message deals with how we have been systematically abusing our planet, leading to ecological crisis. Unfortunately every time people come forward with their encounters they are ridiculed and mocked by the American mainstream media, its scientific community, intelligence agencies and Air Force.

Another question — Why don’t they land on the White House lawns?

As a matter of fact an extraordinary wave of UFO intrusions took place in 1952 when tens of UFOs repeatedly flew over all the capitol buildings in Washington D.C. The American Air Force lied to the world by saying it was caused by “temperature inversion,” which is the immediate cause of a mirage, then ordered its pilots to shoot them down. Frank Feschino wrote a book Shoot Them Down — The Flying Saucer Air Wars of 1952 detailing the incident.

Most importantly,  the American President neither represents nor speaks for the human race. He only represents the Oil industry, arms industry and MNCs. Every time they appear we send our fighter jets after them. They have two choices either to disable them as they have done in the 1976 encounter over Tehran or simply leave the scene which is what they do most of the time.

Shakespeare wrote in Julius Caesar — The fault dear Brutus does not lie in the stars but in ourselves. Likewise the fault does not lie in UFOs but our selves. Our naivety, laziness, sheepish mentality and lackadaisical attitude, has what allowed a small number of people to hide the greatest event in human history from the world.

(The writer is the Director of INSETS: Indian Society for  Extraterrestrial Studies and also the author of ACCIDENTAL APOCALYPSE)

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