Learn to look at the big picture

The entire concept of startup is planting a seed that will eventually nurture into a beautiful tree.
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The entire concept of startup is planting a seed that will eventually nurture into a beautiful tree. If you do not aim to be that beautiful tree, your startup will never grow to its full potential. There are three main reasons why you should set high targets for your startup:

1) Self-motivation: You surely haven’t started your venture for being a mediocre at what you do? I am sure that when you started this, you had ideas of how this startup can prosper into something really big! The high target will help you keep on course and help you sail through the bad times.

Tip: Write your dream on a big chart paper. Paste some related pictures and put that chart on a visible place in your office or near your desk. This will act as a big motivator for your success. When we started the comics startup, I had kept a picture of a popular comics studio that we aspire to be in my bedroom to remind myself every morning what we aim to become.

2) Help your team think of the bigger picture: Let’s face it. A startup cannot afford good salaries that most corporates can. The team that is working with you hasn’t joined you for money. They have joined you for the passion you share and for the dream that they believe in. They know that one day when your startup grows big, they too will get the fruits. A big dream will help them know what destination you have in your mind.

3) It will give you a direction: If you don’t know where to go, you are bound to get lost. A startup journey is like those deep dark woods. If you don’t know which way is the light coming from, you will probably give up on the journey. A dream will keep telling you which direction you should be heading to. It will help you retrospect if you have taken the right projects and if you are moving in the right direction.  
So don’t be afraid to open up your wings. Dream big and aim for the moon!

If you have any queries, feel free to write to me on Rajeev@TBSPlanet.com

The New Indian Express