The world’s gravest threat

The Islamic State and climate change are the two major threats to national security according to people around the world, a recent Pew Research Center survey revealed.
The world’s gravest threat
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The Islamic State and climate change are the two major threats to national security according to people around the world, a recent Pew Research Center survey revealed. The report, released Tuesday, surveyed 38 countries including the US, India and Russia

Left, Right and India
IS was named as the top threat in 18 countries, including India. About 66 per cent of 2,464 people surveyed felt IS was the most dangerous threat to security in India. Similarly, the terror group is a major concern in Europe (88 per cent in France) and the US (74 per cent)

There is also an ideological divide among people who see IS as a threat. In Canada, 59 per cent on the Right say the group is a major threat, while only 33 per cent on the Left say so. In the US too, there is a 22-percentage-point difference between the Left and the Right on this issue

Weather report
When it comes to climate change, 13 countries, mostly in Latin America and Africa identify the issue as their topmost threat. There is an ideological divide in this case too but this time the Left is more worried

Hungary and refugees
Only Hungary thinks that the influx of a large number refugees is the topmost threat to security. Its PM Viktor Orban recently said the country was ‘under siege’ from refugees

Enter the Dragon
Despite the standoff in Doka La, only 44 per cent of Indians are worried about China’s expansionism. America’s influence is a top concern in Turkey. And in South Korea and Vietnam, eight-in-ten or more name China’s power and influence as a major threat

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