Bureaucracy may be condemned, criticised, castigated and ridiculed all around the world but it has not withered away. In fact, it is considered an essential tool to carry out the programmes of the government. Moreover, in order to do that effectively, it should not only survive, but also thrive, in the interests of the country and its people. But if it is to thrive, honesty alone is not enough. Honesty is necessary but not a sufficient condition for the welfare of the people.
A bureaucrat is paid to perform, to deliver. Ironically though, on account of the emerging socio-political environment, this performance is not always expected to be in public good. It is also a pity that on occasions, the bureaucrat is expected to perform in the interest of a few. Unfortunately, such occasions are increasing by the day and those bureaucrats who do not conform are not only shown the door but also harassed. What is even more appalling is the fact that far from good performance getting recognised, there are instances of officers being penalised for performing well. Such signals do not augur well for the system and society. However, there is still a huge area where such pressures either do not exist or, if they do, can be managed. Whatever be the situation, honesty alone may not serve the desired purpose.
It would be wrong to assume that all honest officers fall in a single category. There are those who are honest, efficient and non-pliable. Then there are those who are honest, efficient but pliable. These categories also include those who are honest but think that the entire world around them is falling apart. They then take upon themselves the task of cleansing the system. The “crusader” in him gets the better of him and the media attention adds fuel to fire. A campaign is launched against those whom he perceives as dishonest. Honesty becomes an end in itself. Such “honest–only” officers forget the fact that they are paid not merely to remain honest but to perform as well. They evaluate their performance in terms of punitive actions that they take against others, the number of people or institutions they expose (becoming quintessential whistleblowers that brings “name” and “fame” to them), the number of disciplinary proceedings they get initiated and the number of FIRs they lodge. In fact, in the ultimate analysis, such precipitate actions do not even serve their professed goal of cleansing the society as no effort is made to evolve systems that can reduce, if not eliminate, the incidence of corrupt practices. Evolving systems is a time-consuming process and may not provide immediate fodder for publicity.
A bureaucrat has to deliver. He is the prime instrument available with the state to deliver. The “honest-only” bureaucrat does a huge disservice to this cause. He smells a rat everywhere and in every file. Hence, nothing gets delivered. And if it does get delivered, it is too late for the desired impact. More often than not, there is “paralyses of analyses”. For him, honesty pays because he leads an honourable life as an honest officer. He revels in being recognised by many as a crusader against the dishonest. However, through an “honesty-alone” approach he would have done precious little to encourage initiative or motivate those working with him to perform. He himself does not have much to write home about his own performance except proudly displaying the trophies of the victims of his crusade.
A bureaucrat, especially in the higher echelons, has to evolve as a leader and cultivate such leadership qualities that do not inspire awe or fear but respect. This is done through leading by example, focus, objectivity, consistency, empathy, commitment to the tasks and an ever-burning desire to deliver. All these are necessary virtues that need not necessarily be consumed in the crusade against the dishonest. These virtues need to be used for evolving better systems and for inspiring colleagues to perform.
Fortunately, there are a number of bureaucrats who are honest and efficient. They may not be as visible as those who are going hammer and tongs against the “dishonest”. They are not crusaders. They are the “doers”. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan led by the redoubtable Parameswaran Iyer is creating an impact. Fortunately it is becoming visible as well. The thrust on efficiency and integrity in Railways by its erstwhile Chairman Ashwani Lohani yielded results. One could witness the impact of the changes he brought about in the functioning of the Railways. He did not go to town with what he had done but it was all visible. The team of Indu Bhushan and Dinesh Arora (now on study leave), engaged in implementing the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) as a part of Ayushman Bharat, provides another example of honest and efficient working. What was done by a technocrat, E Sridharan, to usher in the Metro Rail revolution is legendary.
These are honest and efficient bureaucrats committed to the cause for which they are paid from the public exchequer. They are performing their tasks as professionals. Their crusading spirit is directed towards the tasks assigned to them. However, unfortunately, there are an equal number of bureaucrats who stop at just being honest.
Anil Swarup
Former Secretary, School Education and Literacy
Email: swarup8@yahoo.com