Nutrition lies in this palm produce

Palm sprout (panam kilangu) is an underground sprout of palm trees and they are mostly cultivated in southern India from January to March.
Nutrition lies in this palm produce
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CHENNAI: Palm sprout (panam kilangu) is an underground sprout of palm trees and they are mostly cultivated in southern India from January to March. From the palm tree we get sweet toddy, palm sugar, palm fruits and palm sprout. It is one of the oldest fibre-rich foods in Tamil Nadu.

Nutritional facts and benefits

  • Palm sprout is loaded with fibre content. So, it can help in regulating bowel movements, lower blood cholesterol, and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Palm sprouts helps in controlling blood sugar andmaintaining heal thy weight.
  • They are rich in iron, which is important to boost your haemoglobin in your body, reduces fatigue, because low iron can reduce energy level. Palm sprouts help to boost immunity, improve concentration and endurance.
  • Palm sprout contains little amount of calcium, which is necessary for building strong bones and teeth, prevent bone disorder and muscle contractions.
  • It contains magnesium, which suppor ts bone health, protects against diabetes, reduces high blood pressure, protects your heart from ailments.
  • Protein is important for every cell in the body. Palm sprout contains good amount of protein essential for build and repair of tissues, maintaining healthy weight and building muscle.
  • Foods with low glycemic index get digested, absorbed slowly in the body so it causes slower rise in blood glucose. Palm sprout contains low glycemic index so it helps in balancing your blood sugar level.

Panam kilangu urundai is one of the forgotten traditional snacks. These recipes will provide the iron requirement for the body.

Panam Kilangu Urundai

Recipe 1


  • Panam kilangu: 2
  • Pepper: 1 tsp
  • Dry red chilli: 2
  • Cumin seeds: 1⁄4 tsp
  • Asafoetida: 1 pinch
  • Salt: 1⁄4 tsp


  • Boil palm sprouts with salt and turmeric in a cooker for five whistles.
  • Peel it and cut into smaller pieces.
  • Now add all ingredients in a blender and add palm sprouts pieces. Grind it into fine powder and transfer it into a sieve.
  • Sift the palm sprout powder. Put it in the blender and grind it. Sift it again.
  • Transfer into a bowl.
  • If the powder is soft then roll it into a ball. Panam kilangu urundai is ready



  • Palmyra sprout: 2
  • Palm sugar: 1⁄2 cup


  • Steam the palmyra tubers.
  • Cut them into the small pieces.
  • Mix with palm sugar.
  • Grind into a powder.
  • Roll it into a ball.

Regular intake of palm sprouts strengthens the body and contributes to good health as its rich supply of minerals and fibres offer several healthbenefits. It’s very easy to find  and consume processed and
canned foods but its difficult to find healthy foods like palm sprouts. Include this seasonal sprout as part of your routine

Divya PurushoTham  sanonutritionclinic
The writer is founder and chief nutritionist at Sano Holistic Nutrition Clinic

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