Britain’s rape jihad
Soon after her 12th birthday, Sarah got into a car with a fat 35-year-old British Pakistani man who took her virginity. A friend at the time warned Sarah that the man was a paedophile and shouldn’t be trusted, but Sarah ignored her. By the time Sarah was 13 years old, she was addicted to the cocaine and amphetamines that she was frequently fed, and rape had become a standard part of her life.
She would be collected from her house and driven across the country, where she’d be forced to have sex with dozens of men. On one occasion, Sarah remembers lying on a dirty mattress in a dark room in an unknown city in England. Sweaty men, their faces hidden by shadows and each old enough to be her father, would take turns to climb the stairs to the room and have sex with her. “Vodka helped numb the experience.”—Grooming Gang rape survivor Sarah Wilson to The Telegraph, London.
The new year hasn’t started well for British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. Early last week, the world’s richest and most powerful man Elon Musk targeted him and his government for protecting the Grooming Gangs—Pakistani, Afghan and Middle Eastern men—entrapping and raping white British girls to be “groomed” as sex slaves. Musk charged him of allowing “rape gangs” to exploit vulnerable girls without fear of prosecution. He also accused Jess Phillips, Starmer’s Safeguarding Minister of a cover up by turning down calls for a public inquiry.

Musk called her a “rape genocide apologist”. Starmer shoved his foot deeper in his mouth when he claimed he prosecuted an ‘Asian’ grooming gang as the head of the Crown Prosecution Service. Hindus and Sikhs in Britain erupted in anger, saying they too were Asians, but had no part in the gang rapes. Musk asked, “How many kids suffered because officials in the UK prioritised optics over justice? Keir Starmer had a chance to do something about it and did not. Justice delayed is now much overdue.”
POLITICS OF RAPE: The Labour Party’s reasons for not prosecuting rape gangs are politically pragmatic but racially insensitive. It has historically enjoyed the support of British Muslim voters. The Labour Muslim Network has over 500 Muslim Councillors across the UK of which 75 per cent are Party members. In the 2019 General Election, over 80 per cent of Muslims voted Labour. According to the last census, Britain’s Muslim population is 3.9 million; a rise of 1.2 million from the 2011 census count.
Muslims living in Western countries tend to vote against parties which support governments fighting terrorists in the Middle East. In the last election held in July 2024, with Britain backing Israel with arms sales, Muslim Labour votes fell drastically and the party even lost most of its ‘safe’ seats. The police inaction against pro-Hamas demonstrators and anti-Semitic violence stems from its survival instincts. The party doesn’t wish to isolate a solid support base.
Many social media videos show British police arresting people holding anti-Hamas placards while violent protestors calling for the death of Jews march free on the roads. British woke culture has a lot to answer for. Grooming gang rape survivor Kate Elysia was so terrified of her tormentors Shamil and his friends that she delayed going to the police for help. When she did, the cops wrote in their report that the sex was consensual. Lucy was another rape victim the UK police failed.

She was a 12-year-old school girl living in Rotherham when she was befriended by teenage boys who gave her and her friends free rides and ice cream after school. After a while, the boys began to introduce older men to them. The girls were given rides in swanky cars and introduced to vodka and marijuana. Lucy’s violator was a Pakistani man twice her age who seemed to be the gang boss. He showered her with gifts, alcohol and a new mobile phone. He began to rape her gradually, once a week, which became once a day.
She was raped by the Clifton Park war memorial, in a backstreet and in innumerable taxis. Then one day, he locked her up in an apartment where she was stripped naked and left to be raped by half a dozen men who took turns. “If you don’t come back, we will rape your mother and make you watch,” they warned her. After two years of abuse, she told her mother, who told the cops.
Two police officers turned up to collect Lucy’s soiled clothes as evidence. A few days later, they phoned her mother to say the bags had been lost. “All of them?” Lucy asked, surprised. All she got for her trouble was a check for £140 “for loss of property”. The police pressured the family to drop the charges. They said it was the girl’s word against that of the men. The case was closed.
POLICE HORROR: Police in UK are lackadaisical in investigating the gangs. A British inquiry report noted that police went into victim-blame mode while investigating grooming gangs. Julie Bindel, author and feminist campaigner, recalls the case of Amber (name changed) who was raped by an organised gang from 2008 to 2010 in Rochdale when she was just 14 years old. Police officers initially blamed her, calling her a “madam” who trafficked her underage friends to the same men who had abused her.
The victim was arrested. In a bizarre turn of events, British law, in all its majesty, gave her bail but sent her off to live with a suspected groomer. The police did not charge her rapists. One police officer is even accused of forcing a rape victim to take contraceptive pills. In three of the six police forces it inspected, HMICFRS found a dozen cases of victim blaming. Some police staff shamed a child victim saying “concerns (were) raised (due) to her general proclivity with older men”.
Another child was accused of “putting herself in precarious situations”, and another one was a “difficult victim to engage with”. The fear of Islamic radicals may not be wholly unjustified since the British justice system seems as skewed as a sharia court. Judge Michael Stokes of Nottingham Crown Court spared an 18-year-old Muslim rapist of a British teenager a jail term, on hearing that the criminal had studied at an Islamic school in Pakistan where he was taught that women were worthless. Awarding him a suspended sentence, Stokes announced, “Although chronologically 18, it is quite clear from the reports that you are very naive and immature when it comes to sexual matters.”
THE WOKE DISEASE: The first evidence of the Grooming Gang rapes came to light in 2012 when The Times newspaper investigated Rotherham grooming gangs. Over 1,400 children were raped and exploited in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013. News of similar scandals in Oldham, Oxford, Rochdale and Telford led to a nationwide uproar for a national inquiry into child sexual abuse. It was formed and headed by Prof Alexis Jay. Professor Jay’s report noted that a majority of the victims were white girls and the perpetrators were Pakistani by origin or lineage.
Last January, another report found that the National Health Service in Rochdale had referred 260 victims to children’s social care services, who were all rejected. Between 2004 to 2013, 96 men in Great Manchester were identified as continuing to pose a serious risk to children. The Police Chief Constable vowed a “day of reckoning” but none of them were arrested. In a 1977 case, High Court judge Sir William Macpherson was leading an inquiry into the conduct of the British police investigating the murder of a black victim by white men.
The investigators were highlighted as ‘lax’ and ‘possibly prejudiced’. Macpherson accused the entire British police force of ‘institutionalised racism’—a phrase leftist sociologists appropriated. Cops will give non-white rapists and criminals a long rope to avoid being labelled racist. Social workers will give a wide berth to any case they fear will invite accusation of discriminating against ethnic minorities. No social worker or cop wants to be called ‘Islamophobic’, and will arrest protesting Jews or British citizens who tweet against Gaza activists.
“The people of Rotherham know that it is unsafe for a girl to take a taxi ride from someone with Asian features; they know that Pakistani Muslims often do not treat white girls with the respect that they treat girls from their own community. They know, and have known over 15 years, that there are gangs of predators on the look-out for vulnerable girls, and that the gangs are for the most part Asian young men who see English society not as the community to which they belong, but as a sexual hunting ground.
But they dare not express this knowledge, in either words or deed. Still less do they dare to do so if their job is that of a social worker or police officer. Let slip the mere hint that Pakistani Muslims are more likely than indigenous Englishmen to commit sexual crimes and you will be branded a racist and an Islamophobe, to be ostracised in the workplace and put henceforth under observation,” author and philosopher Roger Scruton summed up the crisis in Forbes magazine.
Musk accused Starmer of “blocking” a national inquiry into grooming gangs. The Telegraph reported that Labour MPs will be told to vote against any move to appoint such an inquiry. Musk tweeted late last week, “Now why would Keir Starmtrooper order his party to block such an inquiry? Because he is hiding terrible things. That is why.” Musk’s proximity to incoming US president Donald Trump will be a complicating factor in Britain’s relationship with its former colony.
Neither men are fans of Labour’s liberal identity. Starmer has threatened to shut down X and stop Tesla imports. The PM is cornered. If he doesn’t effectively act against Musk he will come across as a guilty coward. If he does, he will be seen as suppressing free speech. Either way, this time, he won’t get a free pass. The day of reckoning has arrived.

Dirt Down the Years
2001: The police and council get the names of taxi drivers who allegedly picked up the girls from care homes
2004: The police delay the release of a documentary about young girls being groomed for sex by Asian abusers by three months, saying it could lead to racial tensions
2010: The sexual exploitation case of children in Derbyshire leads to 11 men getting convicted. The convicts were predominantly of an Asian background
2011: Tip-offs about child sexual exploitation by Asian men in Rotherham start coming to the Times journalist Andrew Norfolk. This leads to a national inquiry
2011: A judge receives a letter by a girl abused by a grooming gang in Huddersfield. Another victim made formal allegations in 2013, followed by dozens of people being interviewed over the next three years. Nothing really happens
2011: Police and council launch Operation Bullfinch in Oxford to look into a child sex abuse racket in the city. In May 2013, the first convictions are secured
May 2012: Nine men found guilty in the first grooming gang convictions from Rochdale and Oldham. The following year, five more men get jailed
May 2013: Seven men get jailed in connection with the child sex abuse in the Telford area
2014: Operation Brooke sees 13 men getting convicted with allegations of sexual exploitation of children in Bristol
2017: Twenty-nine men are charged from Huddersfield, but the media is not allowed to report this. The ban gets criticised by far-right groups
2018: Twenty men, including a Sikh ringleader and others mainly of Pakistani origin, were part of the Huddersfield child sex abuse ring. They were convicted of 120 rapes and sexual abuse against 15 girls. More men have been convicted since then, bringing the total number to 41 by August 2021
2023: Rishi Sunak’s government sets up a Grooming Gangs Taskforce with officers from all 43 police forces in England and Wales
2023: Under Operation Stovewood, nine men are charged with sexual offences in Rotherham
2024: In May 2024, 550 suspects get arrested and 4,000 victims are identified. Also, another 11 men from Rotherham get convicted for the abuse of vulnerable girls. Half of the men arrested, released. Two more eyeing parole