Everything I learned from my mother

Optimism is the propensity to look at a more constructive side of circumstances and to anticipate the most favourable effects.

Optimism is the propensity to look at a more constructive side of circumstances and to anticipate the most favourable effects. Little things in my life bring happiness and bliss. The nature of optimism is to expect the good in life, which fosters physical and psychological well-being. I tune into the melody of my mother’s words, “During tough moments, cope to anticipate the best.”. In my childhood, my mom brought me up to see how darkness brings light and how hope can make good triumph over bad. My mom showed me positivity whenever I was down.

When I fell into a negative mindset, my mother showed me a path of the other side, of how she handled that situation in her life. When she was admitted in the hospital and I started crying, she taught me that when bad things happen in life, how I react to them describe my level of optimism, which helped me alter the unpleasant situation for the better. She told me how to look at problems so they don’t seem as big.
My mom’s optimism crafted me with the hope of beautiful rays, fragrance-filled calmness, love and kindness. 

When I was a child, whatever happened to me, I shared with my mom. I learned from her fortitude and care. She listened to everything that happened to me and helped me compose myself and deal with it calmly. I learned from my mom, life is not always perfect; sometimes heavy wind moves us in some other directions. I shouldn’t get affected by it; instead, I should conquer it with positivity. Her unconditional love allowed me to react with optimism in any situation.

This positive thinking aid gives you a life with lesser rates of depression and levels of stress, resistance to the common cold, enhanced coping skills during times of stress, and an amplified life span. I remember my mom’s optimism when I have to stay optimistic. Her memory lets me formulate radiance out of dreadful circumstances and twist unenthusiastic situations into cheerful ones.  Pain vanishes in the storms and joy dances. Courage fills my heart. From my mom I learned that in each portion of life, there is an optimistic aspect; all things happen for a reason. The dewdrops follow the river, to lock in my optimism and happiness.

B Padmapriya Email: mayilpsycounsel@gmail.com

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