New Delhi, Oct 14 (PTI) DSC Prize winner Anuradha Roywill come out with her next book in June 2018 and the novelwill span India's 20th century from the 1930s throughIndependence to the 1990s.
Titled "All The Lives We Never Lived", the book will bepublished by Hachette India.
"All The Lives We Never Lived" is the story of Myshkinand his mother Gayatri, a rebellious, alluring artist-heroinewho is driven to abandon home and marriage and follow herprimal instinct for freedom.
Freedom of another kind is in the air across all ofIndia, and in Germany the Nazis have come to power. At thispoint of crisis, a German artist from Gayatri's past seeks herout. His arrival ignites passions she has long been forced tosuppress.
What follows is Gayatri's life as pieced together by herson, a journey that takes him through India and Dutch-heldBali.
Excavating the roots of the world in which he wasabandoned, he comes to understand the connections betweenvolcanic strife at home and a war-torn universe overtaken bypatriotism.
The scale of Anuradha Roy's novel is matched by its poweras a parable for our times, the publisher says.
Its depiction of the contrasting ideas of Mahatma Gandhiand Rabindranath Tagore, of the limits of nationalism whenconfronted by cosmopolitanism, makes it a spell-binding sagacentred on people trying to make sense of their lives.
Roy's previous book "Sleeping on Jupiter" was longlistedfor the Man Booker Prize and won the DSC Prize for South AsianLiterature last year.
Speaking about the acquisition, Poulomi Chatterjee,Editor-in-Chief of Hachette India, says: "This is abeautifully crafted novel that embodies the restraint that isquintessentially Anuradha -- in its evocation of loss, painand love." PTI ZMNTRS.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.