Paris, Oct 14 (AFP) French President Emmanuel Macron isconsidering visiting Iran after speaking by phone with hisIranian counterpart as US President Donald Trump said he was"decertifying" the nuclear deal with Tehran, the Elyseepresidential office said today.
Macron told Iranian President Hassan Rouhani that Franceremained committed to the 2015 nuclear agreement which,besides the United States, was also negotiated with Britain,China, Russia and Germany.
"A trip to Iran by the president, at the invitation ofPresident Rouhani, has been considered," the Elysee said,while the Iranian presidential website said the visit wouldhappen next year.
Macron said the US decision "will not put an end to theIranian nuclear accord and that together all the parties inFrance and its European partners will continue to meet theircommitments."Rouhani assured Macron that Iran in turn "will continueto carry out its commitments" in the nuclear accord, theElysee said.
The French leader added that it was also necessary tohave a dialogue with Iran on other strategic issues includingTehran's ballistic missile programme and stability in theregion.
Macron also spoke to Rouhani of his "wish to work withIran for a lasting political solution to the Syrian crisis."Tehran is a supporter of President Bashar al-Assad's regime.
Macron's visit to Iran would be the first by a Frenchhead of state or government since 1971. French ForeignMinister Jean-Yves Le Drian is set to travel to the IslamicRepublic in the next few weeks.
Yesterday, the leaders of France, Germany and Britainissued a joint statement saying they were "concerned" aboutTrump's decision while reiterating their commitment to thedeal. (AFP)CHT.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.