HC asks AFMC not to enforce exit bond on student found unfit

Mumbai, Oct 14 (PTI) The Bombay High Court has grantedrelief to a student of the Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), who was deemed medically unfit...
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Mumbai, Oct 14 (PTI) The Bombay High Court has grantedrelief to a student of the Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), who was deemed medically unfit to serve in the armedforces and was asked to pay a hefty exit bond amount.

In an order passed last week, a bench headed by Justice BR Gavai held that the AFMC could not recover the exit bondamount from the student as he had developed the disability inquestion after he got admission to the college.

The petitioner underwent the compulsory medicalexamination after completing his Bachelor of Medicine (BMC)course at the AFMC in 2006. The examination revealed that hesuffered from "primary hypertension" (high blood pressure).

The college authorities held that he was thus unfit toserve in the armed forces, and must pay Rs 7.5 lakh as theexit bond money, which a student who opts out of service inthe armed forces on completion of studies is required to pay.

The student then moved the court, arguing that he wasready and willing to serve, and it was the AFMC which decidedthat he was not fit enough.

The high court agreed with the petitioner's contention.

"It is not the petitioner who has refused to continue inthe armed forces. On account of the physical disability thathe developed during his medical education, he has been foundunfit to render services...We find that relief deserves to begranted," the bench said, directing the AFMC to release himfrom bond conditions. PTI AYA KRKSMN.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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