Mumbai, Oct 14 (PTI) Following are the top storiesMumbai, Oct 14 (PTI) Following are the top storiesfrom the western region at 1700 hrs.
BOM 1 GA-GADKARI-METHANOLPanaji: Union minister Nitin Gadkari says India mustuse pollution-free methanol as fuel, like Sweden, which isswitching over to it from diesel.
BOM 3 MH-SENA-OPPOSITIONMumbai: Targeting the BJP after its victory in Bhandupcivic bypoll, the Shiv Sena says power and money are beingused to 'muzzle' opposition's voice and elections are beingwon through 'corrupt' means.
LGB 1 MH-HC-STUDENTMumbai: The Bombay High Court quashes an order passedby a college expelling a computer engineering student,observing that an FIR cannot be treated as "gospel truth" andcannot be a reason for expulsion.
BES 1 CG-GIRLS-GREETING CARDSRaipur: In a bid to promote the girl child, theRaigarh district administration in Chhattisgarh has come upwith a unique initiative, under which women who give birth togirls at government hospitals, are given greeting cards thatcarry the message- 'Save and educate girl child'. PTI NRBNRBRYS.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.