Morocco arrests 11 suspects linked to IS jihadists

Rabat, Oct 14 (AFP) Moroccan police today arrested 11members of an "extremely dangerous terrorist" cell linked tothe Islamic State group and seized...
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Rabat, Oct 14 (AFP) Moroccan police today arrested 11members of an "extremely dangerous terrorist" cell linked tothe Islamic State group and seized chemical products used tomake bombs, the interior ministry said.

The suspects were active in the neighbouring northerncities of Fez and Meknes, in commercial capital Casablanca, aswell as in the central town of Khouribga, a statement said.

The ministry said the "extremely dangerous terrorist"cell had planned to carry out attacks in "sensitive areas...

in coordination with an affiliate" of the jihadist IslamicState group.

Moroccan media broadcast live video footage showingheavily armed and masked members of an elite police unitsurrounding a building in Fez.

The ministry said the unit searched an apartment andarrested the "suspected mastermind of the cell and one of hisaccomplices".

Police also seized firearms, knives, gas cannisters aswell as "products used to make homemade bombs" and a carcarrying "suspicious material" that was near the building, theministry added.

Morocco has been spared deadly jihadist attacks since a2011 bombing in Marrakesh's famed Jamaa El Fna Square thatkilled 17 people, mainly European tourists.

But in recent months, authorities have regularlyannounced the dismantling of IS cells and arrests of suspectedjihadist recruiters. (AFP)SMJ.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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