Trump speech shows US isolated in opposing nuke deal: Rouhani

Tehran, Oct 14 (AFP) President Donald Trump's speech inwhich he outlined an aggressive new strategy against Iranshows the US is "more than ever iso...
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Tehran, Oct 14 (AFP) President Donald Trump's speech inwhich he outlined an aggressive new strategy against Iranshows the US is "more than ever isolated in its opposition tothe nuclear deal", President Hassan Rouhani said today.

Rouhani spoke in a televised address after Trump gave amuch anticipated White House speech in which he "decertified"his support for the 2015 nuclear agreement, and left its fatein the hands of Congress.

"Today the United States is more than ever isolated inits opposition to the nuclear deal and in its plots againstthe Iranian people," Rouhani said.

"What was heard today was nothing but the repetition ofbaseless accusations and swear words that they have repeatedfor years," Rouhani said.

"The Iranian nation does not expect anything else fromyou."Rouhani dismissed Trump's threat to tear up the landmarkdeal between Tehran and six world powers including Washingtonif Congress does not impose tough new sanctions on Iran.

"He has not studied international law. Can a presidentannul a multilateral international treaty on his own?" Rouhanisaid.

"Apparently he doesn't know that this agreement is not abilateral agreement solely between Iran and the UnitedStates."Rouhani responded in kind to Trump's list of allegeddestabilising activities in the region, with his own catalogueof US misdemeanours, starting with the CIA's involvement in a1953 coup, which toppled Iran's democratically electedgovernment.

He also criticised US involvement in wars from Vietnam toAfghanistan and Iraq, and highlighted the shooting down by aUS naval vessel of an Iran Air passenger flight in 1988, whichkilled 290 people.

Trump called for tougher sanctions on Iran'sRevolutionary Guards and ballistic missile programme, and saidthe deal could still be "terminated" if Congress did notadequately confront "destabilising" Iranian activity in theMiddle East.

But he stepped back from the sort of measures that wouldimmediately torpedo the nuclear agreement.

Rouhani attacked Trump's characterisation of theRevolutionary Guards as a corrupt organisation propping up a"fanatical regime".

"Is the Iranian government a dictatorship... or is it thegovernments who are supported by the United States and stillrun their country on a tribal basis and have never seen anelection in their country?" Rouhani said in a pointedreference to Iran's regional rival, Saudi Arabia.

Despite Trump's aggressive rhetoric, Rouhani said Iranremained committed to the nuclear agreement for the timebeing.

"We respect the JCPOA... so long as it remains in keepingwith our national rights and interests," he said, using itstechnical name.

Rouhani also responded to Trump's criticism regarding thefrequently heard slogans of "Death to America" and "Death toIsrael", which Iranians usually depict as opposition to thepolicies of those nations, rather than a call for theirphysical destruction.

"Are you upset with the slogans? Then stop your hostilepolicies," Rouhani said. (AFP)CHT.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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