Yemeni Bahai sentenced to death: Indian Bahai body urges govt

to interveneNew Delhi, Jan 10 (PTI) An organisation representing theBahai community in India has urged the Union government tointervene after, it ...
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to interveneNew Delhi, Jan 10 (PTI) An organisation representing theBahai community in India has urged the Union government tointervene after, it said today, a court in Yemen sentenced todeath a member of the religious minority because of his faith.

There are about two million followers of Bahai faith inIndia.

The body - The Bahais of India - condemned the deathpenalty given to Hamed bin Haydara, a Bahai living in Yemen,according to a statement issued by its National SpiritualAssembly.

Haydara was arbitrarily arrested at his workplace inDecember 2013, and was given the death sentence on January 2this year, it said adding the verdict requires the execution,the date of which is not yet known, be carried out in public.

Haydara was taken into custody in Yemeni capital Sana'a.

Over several months, he was subjected to torture, forcedto sign papers blindfolded and denied visitors, including hiswife and daughters, according to the statement.

An appeal has been made to the Indian government to urgeYemeni authorities to repeal the court sentence and releaseall Bahai prisoners, it said.

Nilakshi Rajkhowa, Director of the Bahai Office of PublicAffairs of the assembly, said the Indian Bahai community isdeeply saddened by this news.

"We call upon the non-governmental organisations andpeople of good conscience in India to raise their voices insupport of Haydara and all Bahai prisoners in Yemen," shesaid.

"The various forms of persecution experienced by YemeniBahais bear a striking resemblance to what the Bahais of Iranhave experienced in their country, such as the baselessaccusation, used when Bahais are arrested, that they aresomehow a threat to national security and are spies ofIsrael," the organisation added. PTI AKVABH.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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