Lifeline likely for errant units

As of now, 10 state units are st­ill to submit their revised constitution to the CoA. Elect­ions can be held only after they receive the CoA’s approval.
For representational purposes (File photo | PTI)
For representational purposes (File photo | PTI)

CHENNAI: It always seemed likely. Now it appears that the CoA will allow some of the state associations a relaxation as far as the September 14 deadline is concerned. That was the last date for state units to complete elections and nominate persons to vote at the BCCI AGM on October 22. With several associations still to start the process, the CoA is expected to let them off without taking away their voting rights.

According to an earlier announcement, units failing to hold elections following the revised constitution by the stipulated last date were not to be allowed to vote at the BCCI AGM. With high-profile units like Tamil Nadu, Bengal, Madhya Pradesh unlikely to obey that directive, it seems the CoA will backtrack and allow some of these units to vote even if they fail to complete the process by September 14.

“Nothing is cast in stone. The final aim is to complete BCCI elections by October 22. If some of the state units express genuine concerns about September 14 and get everything re­ady before the BCCI AGM, their case can be considered. But this is not for all. Only those with genuine proble­ms will be allowed this relaxation,” well-placed sources told Express.

As of now, 10 state units are st­ill to submit their revised constitution to the CoA. Elect­ions can be held only after they receive the CoA’s approval. For the record, the unit of Bengal headed by Sourav Ganguly is planning to hold elections in October. MPCA and TNCA ha­ve said they ca­n’t start the process until their queries are answered by the Supreme Court. None of the three are in a position to hold elections by September 14. 

“The CoA wants all associations to follow the new constitution and wants to make sure the maximum possible number attends the AGM. Bengal is am­ong the few saying that can’t co­mplete the process by September 14. After discussing th­eir case, the CoA se­ems to be of the view that they can be granted so­me additional time. But they are firm on October 22,” said sources.

If allowed, this will be the se­c­ond instance of the CoA relaxing its own deadlines. August 14 was the last date for the states to finalise their electoral process under the supervision of an electoral officer. Alth­o­u­gh most of the units didn’t obey this, the CoA took no action against them. Relaxing another deadline may set a dangerous example, as it may lead to calls to defer the AGM as well.

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