Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri (Photo | PTI)
Indian footballer Sunil Chhetri (Photo | PTI)

Sunil Chhetri helps fan get Netflix subscription, signed jersey

Chhetri proposed a barter deal asking for a two-month fee subscription for the fan in return for an autographed jersey from him.

NEW DELHI: Sunil Chhetri has helped a fan get free Netflix subscription and a personally signed jersey after the latter requested the Indian football team captain and star striker to share his user ID and password.

Taking to Twitter, Chhetri had posted a screenshot of a message he received on Facebook and wrote: "Jersey X Autograph on a picture X Reply to the post X Video wishing the neighbour's son's pet dog X. Here's someone who has priorities straight and it's really making me want to consider the demand."

Netflix India's Twitter handle took note of this message from Chhetri and they replied: "While we on that topic, could we also get your autograph on a picture?"

Chhetri then proposed a barter deal asking for a two-month free subscription for the fan in return for an autographed jersey from him.

His post read: "In the true spirit of a barter, how about you guys hand the kid a two-month subscription and I will send a signed shirt and a picture your way? Do we have a deal?"

In reply, Netflix India's Twitter handle posted: "How about we send him both the jersey and a subscription card? Let's make his day."

To this, Chhetri replied: "Sounds great guys, now that we've got this figured out. Subscription for the kid, Shirt for the kid, Shirt for you guys."

"We've always received more than we can give. Which is why in this time of need, all of us national team players have come together and put on the table a sum that has been sent to the PM-Cares Fund to help India's fight with the pandemic," Chhetri had said in a series of tweets.

"It's been heartening to see everyone -- cutting across caps, goals, age and experience -- give, and give with a smile. When word got out, even some who have long stopped pulling on an India shirt, turned up and asked to be counted.

"That's what a team is all about. The ONLY reason we're talking about this here is so that it can gently prod those who have been fortunate enough to get, to give back. We're in this together," he added.

The New Indian Express