Telangana leaders flay Congress delay tactics

The AICC leadership has once again come in for severe criticism from Telangana forces for its delaying tactics on the Telangana issue.

In the wake of the Congress Core Committee’s decision to refer the issue to the Congress Working Committee, the Telangana Political Joint Action Committee (TJAC) said on Friday that the ruling party was only dragging on the issue for some more time. TJAC chairman M Kodandaram  warned the Congress leadership that it would be taught a befitting lesson in the ensuing local body and general elections.

He said the TJAC was planning to give a call to people to organise protest rallies  across the region. The TJAC would also hold “awareness rallies” across the region from July 16.

Several opposition parties, including the TRS, wondered at the Congress leadership’s decision to refer the issue to its working committee.

TRS Legislature Party leader E Rajender said it was another game plan by the Congress to prolong the deliberations and

demanded that the CWC meeting held on Saturday itself if the ruling party was really trying to resolve the issue at the earliest.

BJP state president G Kishan Reddy also spewed venom on the ruling party for not deciding the issue on Friday. “The Congress high command is once again deceiving the Telangana people by saying that it has referred the issue to the CWC. It is ridiculous to drag on the issue on one pretext or another. If the Congress was really keen to take a decision, it would have done so at the past meetings of the CWC. The party is preparing all road maps only to hoodwink the people in the ensuing elections,” he alleged.

YSR Congress leaders B Govardhan and G Ramachandra Rao too criticised the dilly-dallying by the Congress.

The New Indian Express