VIJAYAWADA: The Andhra Pradesh police bagged 20 Skoch Awards including six silver medals in the areas of technology in policing, effective use of digital transformation and offering better services to citizens. The awards were announced at the 68th Skoch Summit held in New Delhi on Tuesday, in which Director General of Police (DGP) D Gautam Sawang and other officials virtually took part from the Police Headquarters in Mangalagiri.
In a press note issued later, Sawang said out of the 20 awards, 14 are order of merit and six are silver medals for best performance in various wings in the police department. AP Police Headquarters bagged two awards for automated police online system, two by communications department for best practices in Hawk vehicles and two for police welfare during the pandemic.
Anantapur, Krishna, Kadapa and Chittoor units received two awards each. Anantapur police got order of merits award for COVID cell and faction control cell, Anantapur DIG got two awards for COVID treatment tracker, Krishna district police received silver award for ‘police welfare in pandemic and order of merit for their flagship initiative Village Defence Squad (VSS ), Tirupati urban unit bagged silver award for implementation of three Netra, APSP battalion received order of merit for ‘Sammanamu’.
“It was a proud and inspiring moment for the AP Police to be top in the country in Skoch Awards. In this edition, we bagged 20 awards. So far state police have received a total of 150 national level awards including Skoch awards for best practices in policing for bringing accountability and transparency,” Gautam Sawang said.