ANANTAPUR: Suspecting the fidelity of his wife, a man in Kalyandurg allegedly abducted and killed his two-and-a-half-month-old daughter alleging that the infant did not resemble him, police said on Friday. Naming the suspect as Mallikarjuna of Idukallu village of Settur mandal, Inspector Tejamurthy said the now-unemployed insurance agent committed the alleged crime late on Thursday. The police said a search was on for the man.
The incident came to light after his wife, Chittamma, lodged a police complaint saying her baby had been missing. A search for the infant ended after investigators a gunny bag containing the baby’s body wrapped in a blanket in a sewage canal in the city outskirts. Police said the baby was gagged with a duct tape. A heavy stone was kept inside the bag, apparently to keep it submerged.
“On Thursday evening, the couple took the baby girl to a children’s hospital in Kalyandurg. While waiting for their turn, Mallikarjuna told Chittamma that he would take the baby to his aunt in the town and return soon. When he did not return even after four hours, Chittamma lodged a complaint with the help of her relatives,” the inspector said.
Mallikarjuna had been doubting his wife’s fidelity ever since their marriage in October 2020, leading to frequent quarrels between the couple. They begot the baby on August 8, 2021.The police said Chittamma had been questioned even over phone calls received or made.