VIJAYAWADA: After six decades of running from pillar to post, the battle of an octogenarian woman from Kakinada to get a family pension finally ended on Wednesday. The 88-year-old, identified as B Krishna Veni, received a pension and arrears amounting to over Rs 15 lakh following the intervention of the Lokayukta.
Born in 1935, Krishna Veni married B Seshagiri Rao, a native of East Godavari district. An assistant executive engineer in the Roads and Buildings (R&B) Department, Rao died after he met with a road accident in 1962. He was survived by his wife Krishna Veni and two children. She approached higher officials in the R&B Department and submitted a petition seeking a pension.
However, the officials failed to process her petition. Finally, Krishna Veni knocked on the doors of the Lokayukta in 2021 and lodged her grievances. After examining her petition, Lokayukta Justice P Lakshmana Reddy ordered officials of the Kakinada division sub-treasury to extend the family pension and clear the dues.
Rs 19 lakh pension accrued
The pension accrued since her husband’s death, dearness relief, medical allowances and the respective arrears totalled to Rs 19,93,639. After statutory deductions, amounting to over Rs 4 lakh, Krishna Veni received Rs 15,70,529 as a family pension