VIJAYAWADA: Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu directed the finance department to release Rs 36 crore for input subsidy to the farmers who suffered losses due to heavy rains in July. Addressing a review meeting with senior officials of agriculture and allied sectors on Thursday, the Chief Minister directed them to ensure that there is no shortage of seeds and 100 percent e-crop registration.
Emphasising on low input and high output cultivation methods for enhancing the income levels of the farmers, Naidu asked the officials to initiate plans to that effect. They were advised to promote the latest technology beneficial to agriculture and farmers. It should help in improving production and productivity, he said.
Officials were instructed to employ drones for spraying pesticides in the fields and were asked to be in touch with the Ministry of Civil Aviation to set up a drone testing centre in the State. The Chief Minister also suggested using satellite services to assess soil moisture levels, and tasked the officials with preparation of an action plan to improve horticulture productivity.