VIJAYAWADA: Union Bank of India (UBI) on Thursday organised a mega bike rally in Ongole to promote its wide range of banking products and services, focusing particularly on the newly launched ‘Special Deposit Scheme-333 Days.’ Starting at the mini stadium near D-Mart, the rally covered major parts of the city, including the Railway Station, Addanki Bus Stand, Kurnool Road, Mangamuru Donka, Saibaba Temple, Santhapeta and RIMS, and concluded at the Regional Office in Bhagyanager.
The event was led by bank officials, including Regional Head V Ravi Kumar, Deputy Regional Heads B Srinivasa Rao and K Ramalingeswara, along with branch heads and staff from Ongole city. This scheme is designed to provide attractive returns, catering to a wide range of financial needs. For more details about the scheme, customers are encouraged to visit their nearest UBI branch or the official website.