TIRUPATI: Investigation into the recent fire incident at the Madanapalle Sub-Collector office is progressing swiftly, said Revenue Minister Anagani Satya Prasad. He alleged that there were numerous across the State who fell victim to former minister Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy, and emphasised that the accused involved in wrongdoing would not escape accountability.
Satya Prasad, along with Energy Minister Gottipati Ravi Kumar Vakulamatha temple inTirupati district on Monday. Speaking to the media, the Revenue Minister informed that hundreds of land-related files were discovered in the homes of Peddireddy’s supporters.
No one, regardless of their position, would be exempted from scrutiny of the Madanapalle files burning case. Peddireddy’s family had illegally occupied hundreds of acres of land, impacting thousands in Tirupati, Chittoor and Rajampet constituencies, claimed the Minister, and lambasted the YSRC leaders for alleged embezzlement of public funds and promised to expose ‘scams’ of YSRC regime.
Revenue meetings from August 16 to 30
Minister Anagani Satya Prasad has announced a new initiative to address farmers’ land-related issues. The programme, which will be officially launched on August 15, will see revenue officials visiting villages to resolve issues at the doorsteps of people. The initiative will run from August 16 to September 30.
Satya Prasad also accused the previous regime of rendering the Real-Time Governance system ineffective and informed that they would initiate plans to revitalise this system.