Crimes in Guntur drop by 16%, but road accidents rise in 2024: SP Sathish Kumar

A total of 413 fatal, and 611 non-fatal accidents were reported, in which 432 people died and 862 people suffered injuries.
SP Sathish Kumar
SP Sathish KumarPhoto | Express
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GUNTUR: Crimes against women dropped by 24% in Guntur with the district recording 1,035 cases in 2024, down from 1,368 in 2023, SP Sathish Kumar revealed on Sunday.

Speaking at a press conference, the SP highlighted that overall crime in the district dropped by 16% with 6,515 cases registered in 2024 as against 8,195 in the previous year. As many as 221 cyber crimes were reported this year. Of the total cases, 1,887 were booked for bodily offenses and 1,039 for property offenses.

Out of the Rs 10.35-crore property reported as lost, Rs 4.01 crore was recovered. Property offenses decreased by 19%, due to the effective serving of night beats, utilising LHMS (Locked House Monitoring System) and other preventive measures, the SP pointed out.

On the other hand, the number of road accidents in the district increased by 5% in 2024. A total of 413 fatal, and 611 non-fatal accidents were reported, in which 432 people died and 862 people suffered injuries.

With the effective execution of a conviction-based court trial monitoring system, a total of 5,277 cases were disposed of in courts and 2,949 cases in four Lok Adalats held this year.

As many as 62 cases under the NDPS Act were filed and 238 people were arrested.

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