VIJAYAWADA: Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu inspected the flood-affected areas of Budameru on Thursday. His visit began at the NTR Collectorate, where people from various regions joined the Chief Minister and made donations to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. After receiving the donations, the CM proceeded to Enikepadu.
From Enikepadu, the Chief Minister travelled through the fields, crossed the Ryves and Eluru canals, and examined the Budameru flood-affected area. He toured the Eluru canal bank on a pantu, a manual boat, observing the extent of the flooding, and conducted a review of the ongoing work to repair the breaches caused by the floods in Budameru.
Later, the Chief Minister inspected the Budameru flow at the Kesarapalli bridge and gathered details from officials about the flood levels in the Budameru drain. Discussions were held on the necessary steps to mitigate future flooding risks. Following this, Naidu visited Maduranagar, where he personally examined the flood-affected areas. He navigated the narrow alleys and inspected the surroundings. His tour then took him to Devinagar, Pusuputota, and Ajit Singh Nagar, near the Government Press.
During his visit to Devinagar, the CM inspected the railway bridge area, where a train passed by as he was conducting his review. He moved up a nearby ramp to ensure his safety as the train passed, then continued his inspection. The tour concluded with his return to the Collectorate for further discussions.
Train enters bridge during inspection
During his visit to Devinagar, the CM inspected the railway bridge, where a train passed by as he was conducting his review. He moved up a nearby ramp to ensure his safety as the train passed